Saturday 3 March 2012

2nd March

Woke up late, though groggily excited to be seeing my Zilla that evening.
My lift to Bishop went without me, so I had to lug my school bag and a medium sized, heavy overnight bag to the bus stop and then all the way through town. Didn't even get to town until 9:45. 10 minutes before my Psychology lesson would be ending. So I missed that. 
Stopped at Wilkinson's to buy the second part of dear Zilla's birthday present - a milkybar XD Also got some pick and mix sweets to cheer me up :D
Lugged my ridiculously heavy bags all the way to Bishop. That was painful -.-
Didn't bother walking up to Tresham because by the time I got there it would be 10 minutes until the end of the lesson and I would have to walk back to Bishop again. So I spent my new double free wrapping the chocolate and writing an essay in Zilla's card <3
Started off just being Timmy, Darts and I, which was really nice. Then Charlotte, Smurf, Globes and Son-In-Law arrived. Not so nice. Though it was really nice to see Son-In-Law until he left early. And seeing Charlotte was nice I guess. After Son-In-Law left I went off and sat reading the Amber Spyglass in another section of the library on my own. Went and sat at the bench in the sun. Kinda nice. People arrived for lunch. Nibbled on food and went kind of early to music with the Lion. Been spending a lot of time with him lately. Good times :)
Music was really good :D Waited for 'our room' to be free and stood over Ladybird while he fiddled on the electric guitar.  
Quote from music today: "HOW DEEP RORY?"
Went into our little room. Sat around chatting any playing le guitars. MANY INNUENDOS. Had a little jamming session with Fairy and Ladybird. Made faces at Unicorn. Eyebrow raise fight with Ladybird. Just general awesomeness. Mad Harry arrived. Greeted him with: "Greetings owner". (As his card throwing skills last Friday meant he 'won' me, along with some rather odd body parts of the boys... That was an odd day). Muchos fun times ensued. Mad Harry and Ladybird jammed awesomely for a couple of minutes and I had a 'proud "mum" moment'. I do love my boys!!! Went to fetch my bag from beneath Ladybird's chair, and there was minor flirting after that, as I sat next to him for a while. Things are a little odd... between us. I adore our friendship. It's just odd because I know we do flirt a little. Ah well. It's still fun. I like being close to him friends-wise. He makes me very happy. All my young'uns and besties do. There was a particularly cute moment today when I tickled his neck and he sort of dived sideways towards me. Ended up with him looking up and me leaning down over him, and it was just kind of adorable. He has bush baby eyes sometimes XD 
So yeah. Fun times with the 'kids' as Fairy and I call them. Unicorn left half way through though :/
Got lovely hugs from my dears <3 so I was ready to face the afternoon.

English was quite bitty and fairly boring. Nerd and I got absolutely no work done. Zilla's absence has a profound effect on us. We just can't get anything done without her! RE was boring. The last 20 minutes were okay though. Gave up on work and chatted to Nerd and a couple of other cool kids.

At the end of the day I said goodbye to my darlings and hopped into Zilla's mum's car with Heather <3 Chatted about boys and AVPM all the way to Corby. I couldn't contain my excitement about seeing Zilla!!!! Arrived at Zilla's and leaped on her the second I saw her. I missed her so much it's absolutely unbelievable. T'was amazing to finally see her again! 
T'was so cute when she read the essay in the card :D I'd also bought her The Hunger Games and a milkybar. Think she liked them :P Spent aaaaages chatting before we got started on the Potter-athon. SO MUCH AWESOME.
Had fish pie for dinner and DELICIOUS birthday cake with rasberries for pudding. Skyped with Mr Brilliant until about an hour ago. Zilla and I ended up suggesting that Rory, Brilliant, Zilla and I should all meet up in Cambridge one day and have some fun times :P Spent a very long skype group conversation talking about that :D
Continued with the Potterathon, and we are currently on number 3 and it is 1:16am. I've had such an amazing evening with Zilla, I can't wait for the next few days!!!!! <3 Love you Zilla!!!! xxxx <3

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