Thursday 8 March 2012


Felt quite hurt t'other day. I should be used to it by now, but I'm not.
People were talking about those who get benefits.
Or even those who basically have to live off those benefits.
They all just said that benefits should be scrapped because they just give money to people who can't be bothered to get off their asses and get a job.
My religious studies class had to consider the ethical issues of saving one life instead of another. One group got a millionaire versus someone on benefits.
Not hard to guess who they saved.
Some of them had decent, logical reasons. Others were just be judgemental assholes.

Sorry. I should probably tell you why this bothers me so much, although you have probably guessed.

My family gets benefits. There you go. Judge me, hate me, look down on me, laugh at me, throw rocks at me, blah blah blah.
I don't care what people think of me, but I hate it when people stereotype.
My mum is a single parent on low income who, having already raised two sons into adulthood, now has me, the teenage daughter, to look after. Along with dealing with debts and rising prices for everything.
So we get child benefits. Because we are poor. Not because my mum doesn't have a job. She does have a job. She works at a school trying to help students like me (and possibly you) get the best grades they can so they can get a job that will mean they won't have to live off benefits. 
My mum has worked hard all her life. She has contributed a hell of a lot to society - possibly more than some millionaires - and so I feel hurt and angry when it is suggested that those who are given benefits are lazy, jobless, etc. 
It also feels crap to sit in a class and watch yourself be cast aside because of your income.
What did I learn that RE lesson?
That my life, or the life of my mother, is not as important as that of a millionaire.

I shouldn't rant here.
Please don't use stereotypes or assume you know what is actually happening around you. You could even be talking to someone who is on benefits, and stereotyping them without realising it.
Be careful.
Don't assume.
Appreciate what you have, and understand the real reason benefits and such were created.
To give millions people like me a chance.
Don't deny us what the majority of you don't appreciate.

Hatter xx

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. Social stereotyping is everywhere. It's unfair, nasty to those who deserve better, and unchangeable.
    If you ever feel unfairly treated by anyone in society, don't listen, don't even notice they're there. It makes you realise who is worth your time, and who isn't.
