Sunday 25 March 2012

Damn epic days

Trying to be what everyone needs really isn't going well.
I talk to someone who needs it, I get shit for not talking to someone else instead. I do something to help someone else, I get shit because that bothers someone. I give myself five minutes to de-stress, I get 20 times more shit than before.
So yeah. I'm feeling kind of stretched, and like I can't do anything right.

Is it just me that finds it frustrating that you can't be good friends with a member of the opposite sex without everyone assuming the two of you are together? 

Fine day. I think.
I don't really remember Monday or Tuesday.
Had a nice facebook chat with Ladybird in the evening though. That was nice :)

Absolutely brilliant day <3
Assembly and alright lessons in the morning, worked in my free. The best part was lunch.
I allowed myself to go to music for the first time that week, and got a lovely welcome :) Apparently they had missed me <3 Which is nice, because I'd really missed them! Got lots of hugs and shiz. Ladybird made me sit on him. Crazy Alex sat on us. Ladybird tried to hug me without hugging Alex.... eventful, but funny :D Muchos hugging, chatting, guitaring. Met the new guy properly. Had loads of fun as usual :) Felt loved <3 which is always nice. Fed the boys Haribo, cause I'm nice like that :P Just spent lunch guitaring with m'dears really. Was lovely.
Helped out in a year 10 English lesson in which we read a poem about 9/11 :/ Spent my free with Timmy. We managed to do something odd to a computer, then when we headed up to the IT technicians and chatted about beer in Durham. Then the day ended and I went home.
I still hadn't stopped smiling from lunch.
My brother was in the New York Times!!!! So very proud of my Laurie <3 Le article :D
Went to dance feeling overly happy, and therefore had a pretty good time :)

Don't really remember. 
T'was my 'son' Jack's birthday though!!! H made him MLP themed cakes, which was lovely. I also made a card. We do love our Jack <3
Watched the IT Crowd because that TOTALLY counts as revision.

Smurf's birthday
Can't really remember much happening.
Went to music, which was brilliant. Harry was playing some of his band's songs, which I then couldn't get out of my head for the rest of the day.

Headed over to Northampton to get my hair cut. She didn't cut it quite short enough but it's still fine. Shopped in my real 'hometown' Northampton. Had fun. Visited 'The Chronicle Man' and bought a Chronicle. Popped into my original coffee shop cafe nero XD
Hurried back home. Quickly got ready for The Incidents gig in Leicester, met Geof (Henry's dad) in Kettering and hopped in the mini bus. We drove around picking people up and finally arrived at The musician pub, Leicester. Brilliant venue :D Fixed the window we had pretty much broken.  Met up with Harry and the gang outside and chatted and whatnot before going in. We hung around chatting while t'other bands played - It was The Original Bands Showcase Under 18s heat - and then us fans pushed our way to the front ready for The Incidents. Best gig I had seen them play yet! Brilliant set, and us fans had muchos fun. Took some photos of them playing, which gained their approval when up on facebook XD Gave Harry a massive hug when he came off the stage, and we spent another hour chatting and taking rather random pictures. Headed home on the minibus, joining in with the terrible singing and laughing at the odd moments when the bus radio switched from the iPod to a classical radio station. We managed to break the window again, but I think it was fine in the end. Many piss stops for the boys, and at about midnight I was the last on the bus and Geof dropped me off at home. Stumbled in, with ringing ears, and headed upstairs to my laptop. Uploaded photos, posted on the Incidents wall, chatted to Harry until about 2am, when we decided sleep was probably the best course of action now. Slept too much and woke up ridiculously groggy. All in all, a brilliant Saturday <3

Mother's day! Naturally, spent the day with mother dear. We went to see a fantastic movie - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Absolutely brilliant, and the best cast in a long time. I officially ship Judi Dench and Bill Nighy.
Popped home and then hurried to Northampton and had a lovely meal at Ask. Chatted about everything with mum, which is quite difficult to do because we talk at home, and it's just us so there often isn't much more to say. Still, t'was a lovely meal, and hopefully mum enjoyed her day.

Listened to Bon Jovi with Nerd in RE. That was good.
Went to music, which was quite fun.
On the way home, I saw Gemma H at the park and headed over to see her and the kids. The new baby girl is gorgeous! So happy when I got to hold her for a while! <3 Chatted to Gemma and headed home happy. 

Not much happened. I didn't get to Photography, but I got a shoot done at Bishop anyway.
Sat in the sun for two hours with Om, Nerd, Timmy and Miller. 
Think I stayed at the bench for lunch, though saw Fairy, New guy and Ladybird very briefly when I walked Twin to drama, or flute, or something in that block.
Double English was rather tame.
Spent the evening figuring out parts of All Along The Watchtower on guitar XD

No assembly, so chatted to the gang before lessons began. Boring RE lesson. Just nibbled food at break and chatted to people.
English was pretty boring too.
Free was alright.
Lunch was really nice. Went to music pretty early. Jazz band was on, so it ended up just being Ladybird and I for most of lunch. He was being very lovely. He said he had been missing me, even though he had seen me briefly yesterday and the day before. Felt very loved. We ended having a really long lovely hug, which kept me smiling for a few hours. Chatted and guitared. It's nice and quiet (ish) when it's just us. It's nice. New Guy arrived after a while, so we just kept chatting and whatnot and left at the end as usual. Year 10 RE was good. They had a cover, so they changed seats and were an absolute nightmare, but I adore them. Couldn't get my troublesome two to work as well as I usually can, which was very frustrating, but if I looked up I'd see Ladybird smiling at me, which was kind of calming. Would probably have been very stressed if I didn't have him there. Still, despite the kids being insane and a bit of a handful, I still really enjoyed the lesson with them.
Spent my last free chatting to Timmy in the sun, which was nice.
Dance was fairly tame, but hey, still good.

English was VERY boring.
Psych was alright actually. I'd bought Jasper and I some chocolate hobnobs to nom on, so they took the edge off revision.
Lunch was good. Went to music for a little while so Ladybird didn't miss me again. Sweet comment from New Guy, who said they would all miss me. Naww.
Anywho. Went to speak to the school chaplain for the rest of lunch about getting my poems published, and had a lovely chat with her. Am meeting a publisher first thing on Monday!!!! Very nervous and excited!!!
Had to do a presentation in RE, but it was fine. 
Had a mentoring session in my free, which went quite well.

Went to Market Harborough in Photography, so we went to Costa, Starbucks, and a sweet shop. Got a couple of photos too.
T'was mufti, so I was happy in my normal clothes instead of annoying smart ones.
Had a good day. Went to music. Didn't mean to stay but did in the end. T'was alright. Not as good as usual for some reason. Ah well. I was still hyped for the Incidents gig tonight.
One boring lesson and then a free in the afternoon. Spent the free with Cleugh, Smurf, and Marsh. Went to the shop, met Azzy, came back and lazed around in the sun. Fairy came home with me ready for the gig.
Had fun guitaring and shiz, before we nommed food and left.
Gig was fantastic. The Incidents played first and Harry asked me to take pictures, so I had even more fun =P They were rather brilliant XD Unfortunately Peter Pan and X had to leave straight after that, which was a little sucky :( Fairy and I hung around chatting to people through the next few bands, a couple of which were just plain bad. Chatted to Sam and Alex (of the band) for the first time properly with Geof, which was quite fun. Good to get to know them. Geof and I were fairly sure the Incidents could win this heat, but then the last band came on and we agreed they had real competition. Burn City Burn were quite brilliant. They stole the evening really. Though I still had the Incidents songs in my head till the early hours. Stayed with Fairy, Harry and t'others until the scores were announced. The band came second, only a point or two behind Burn City Burn, but they were still happy. They had already said they wouldn't mind coming second to Burn City Burn. They were still utterly brilliant, and I was very proud of them XD Got some lovely hugs from the band, chatted to Harry and left with Fairy. 

Woke up later than planned, and felt like I had a hangover, but at least my ears had stopped ringing.
Rushed to get ready and ended up wearing basically the same clothes as the night before. 
Headed to Moulton College, which re-confused my post-A levels plans because I fell in love with the Animal Welfare department.
Came back to Kettering. Went to see the Hunger Games with the gang, which was fun. The film was brilliant XD End up staying for the meal even though I really shouldn't have. T'was good.
Came home exhausted. Went to bed early instead of revising.

Sunday 25th:
I have woken up early. Started revising and gave up. Have been talking to Mr Brilliant and blogging, but now my head is killing me, so I am off to fetch paracetamol.

Hatter xx

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