Sunday 11 March 2012


Nice to be indirectly told that your supposed best friend isn't really bothered about you, isn't it?
I've tried to be there for her through everything, especially all the extra stuff she has had to deal with, but apparently that doesn't matter now. I know she is stressed, but still, pushing people who actually care about you away won't help.

Sorry for the rant.
Just kind of tired of my 'best friends' treating me like nothing.

Hatter xx


  1. They've probably got an excellent set of reasons for doing so.

  2. If that's the case then the adult thing to do would be to talk to me about it, and explain what is bothering them. That way I'll know what to change and if I can I will. I can't be expected to know absolutely everything that goes through everyone's brain. Communication is required when these situations arise.
