Saturday 31 March 2012

Learning Curve.

Here's the thing.
Life has been getting 'all up in the shit'.
And I've been letting it bother me like I used to.
But yesterday, I chatted to someone, and I have spent the time since taking myself on a little learning curve.

So, as usual, this is mostly about love.
I tried and failed not to fall for someone, and if you read this regularly, it shouldn't be hard to guess who that was. I fought against it, but he kept doing these things that gave some part of me hope. But I spent Friday being reminded that for us, there was none. And being second best to another girl. I will not pretend it didn't bother me. I seriously adore this guy. But I'm learning not to let it bother me now. I've been so, so hypocritical. I have completely ignored the fact that I have no reason to feel lonely, because there is someone who never fails to remind me he loves me. Everyday, he is there waiting for me, and I haven't appreciated that as much as I should until now. Thank you, m'love. Je t'aime. Truly, unashamedly and completely.

Also, I found a quote just in time to remind myself of something I had started to forget: "When you judge someone, it doesn't say something about them. It says everything about you." <-- Very true, and something I think most of us need to remember.

And I just made myself sit down and have a very long talk with mum about money. In the end, we need to just forget about our foolish pride and acknowledge the fact that we really do live in relative poverty now. It's time we stopped relying on unreliable people like my arrogant father, and it's time we started thinking intelligently about our use of money. Cutting down on absolutely everything. Suffolk will, in my opinion, be my last outing for a long time. We simply can't afford any more. And I need to try 10 times harder to get a job. Forget about my pride, focus on my courage, and drag myself round every damn shop in town until someone pays me to work there.

So, because of all this whatnot, I shall spend Easter reminding myself of who I want to be (and revising :P). Wish me luck.

Hatter xx

P.s. Sammykins? I mean it. Thank you for everything.

Untitled days

Boring lessons. Lovely lunch time with my music boys.
Good time helping out the year 10s in English.
Spent my free sitting in the sun with Zilla, Toby and Nerd. T'was really lovely <3

Woke up feeling like I might throw up
Went into school for the afternoon, which was horrid. Shouldn't have gone in at all.

Same morning as Thursday
Went to music at lunch, which was ... comfy.
Nice time chatting to Ladybird and New Guy.
I bought them strawberry laces :D
I was feeling down, so Ladybird made me sit on him and be huggled. He was very cuddly. And warm. I needed that. Missing people. Feeling lonely :/
He managed to accidentally say something sweet, which was unexpected. They were discussing knowing females, and New Guy said "You can never know enough females" To which Ladybird said "You can. I have my cat, and Jenny. .... an-and Ellie" So that was adorable. Or it would be if he'd meant it. But oh well.
Got some cuddles, lullabies and chats. Went to my afternoon lessons, which were fine.
Got tons of chocolate in English, some of which I saved for the lovely Lion and Ladybird. 
RE was rather tame.
Had a doctors appointment. Apparently it's a virus, not hayfever, which is better in a way. Maybe this way it won't keep coming back.
Ladybird's gig was in the evening.Took New Guy :) We arrived before most other people and just spent time with Ladybird. Ladybird's younger friends arrived. Spent time with people. Talked to New Guy when he got sad. Listened to Ladybird's band when they went on, and they were excellent. New Guy and I left straight after, and had a nice chat in the car home. 

Sitting around working and watching movies while talking to m'lovely Sammykins.
Side note, I really want an old flight/aviator/bomber jacket. Seriously.

Extra note:

Hatter xx

Tuesday 27 March 2012


It seems I have hay fever for the first time in my entire life.
This is utterly horrid.
I don't know how people cope.
I certainly can't!
It completely ruined my day to be honest.

Went to town this afternoon.
Bought presents for mum and Unicorn.
That cheered me up.
My lack of funding didn't.
But hey.

Also feeling quite lonely lately.
I think I need to meet new people.
Or someone. 
If you catch my drift.
But to be honest I just really want to meet new people.
I love meeting people.
Plus then I might feel less lonely.
On a happier note...


Hatter xx

Monday 26 March 2012

Stuck in my head.

You are stuck in my head like my favourite song.

Difference is, I don't know if this you-ness in my head will ever fade and be replaced.

Sun, sun...

... here it comes.

TOLD YOU the sun was on it's way!!!
It's been sunny most of the day here :)
Naturally brightened my mood.
Short summary of today the sunny day:
Got a single bus ticket because I couldn't afford a return. Arrived at school at chatted to people for about 40 minutes. Went for a meeting with the school chaplain and a publisher person!!! We talked about publishing options for my poetry and short stories. Very interesting, and very exciting :D
Break... mostly hungry.
Double RE was rather tame. Got some Psych revision done ;) and a few pages of actual RE notes!
Lunch was excellent <3 Library was shut, so my only two revision places were at the bench or in music. It is impossible to revise at the bench, as discovered during the GCSE years and last year when revising for my first Psychology exam. So I took my revision to music. Hectic at first, but after Nephew left things settled, and I curled up in a corner with a text book. Surprisingly, Ladybird and New Guy weren't too distracting, although at one point Ladybird decided to lay down with his head in my lap. On my work. But when I shifted everything around him it was actually quite comfortable. Stroking his hair while I work is very therapeutic. We basically swapped when I gave up on revision, and I have to say his chest is very comfy for napping on. I did honestly almost fall asleep. Ah well. New Guy was playing some lovely songs/chord sequences, so it was a really nice lunchtime actually. Got a massive hug and an 'I missed you' from Ladybird at the end of lunch, which was sweet.


We did our mock in double psychology, which I don't think went too badly. I still felt warm from lunch, and just generally relaxed, so I didn't get stressed and I even finished 40 minutes early. That may be a bad sign technically... but hey. I was happy.

Got a lift home with H and Sexy Twin so I didn't have to wait at school until 5:30pm for mum.

And now I'm here listening to Oasis and writing this blog post :)

Hatter xx

P.s. Hope you have had a lovely day m'darlings.
P.p.s. Been playing/singing this for about 3 hours straight now...

Sunday 25 March 2012

Damn epic days

Trying to be what everyone needs really isn't going well.
I talk to someone who needs it, I get shit for not talking to someone else instead. I do something to help someone else, I get shit because that bothers someone. I give myself five minutes to de-stress, I get 20 times more shit than before.
So yeah. I'm feeling kind of stretched, and like I can't do anything right.

Is it just me that finds it frustrating that you can't be good friends with a member of the opposite sex without everyone assuming the two of you are together? 

Fine day. I think.
I don't really remember Monday or Tuesday.
Had a nice facebook chat with Ladybird in the evening though. That was nice :)

Absolutely brilliant day <3
Assembly and alright lessons in the morning, worked in my free. The best part was lunch.
I allowed myself to go to music for the first time that week, and got a lovely welcome :) Apparently they had missed me <3 Which is nice, because I'd really missed them! Got lots of hugs and shiz. Ladybird made me sit on him. Crazy Alex sat on us. Ladybird tried to hug me without hugging Alex.... eventful, but funny :D Muchos hugging, chatting, guitaring. Met the new guy properly. Had loads of fun as usual :) Felt loved <3 which is always nice. Fed the boys Haribo, cause I'm nice like that :P Just spent lunch guitaring with m'dears really. Was lovely.
Helped out in a year 10 English lesson in which we read a poem about 9/11 :/ Spent my free with Timmy. We managed to do something odd to a computer, then when we headed up to the IT technicians and chatted about beer in Durham. Then the day ended and I went home.
I still hadn't stopped smiling from lunch.
My brother was in the New York Times!!!! So very proud of my Laurie <3 Le article :D
Went to dance feeling overly happy, and therefore had a pretty good time :)

Don't really remember. 
T'was my 'son' Jack's birthday though!!! H made him MLP themed cakes, which was lovely. I also made a card. We do love our Jack <3
Watched the IT Crowd because that TOTALLY counts as revision.

Smurf's birthday
Can't really remember much happening.
Went to music, which was brilliant. Harry was playing some of his band's songs, which I then couldn't get out of my head for the rest of the day.

Headed over to Northampton to get my hair cut. She didn't cut it quite short enough but it's still fine. Shopped in my real 'hometown' Northampton. Had fun. Visited 'The Chronicle Man' and bought a Chronicle. Popped into my original coffee shop cafe nero XD
Hurried back home. Quickly got ready for The Incidents gig in Leicester, met Geof (Henry's dad) in Kettering and hopped in the mini bus. We drove around picking people up and finally arrived at The musician pub, Leicester. Brilliant venue :D Fixed the window we had pretty much broken.  Met up with Harry and the gang outside and chatted and whatnot before going in. We hung around chatting while t'other bands played - It was The Original Bands Showcase Under 18s heat - and then us fans pushed our way to the front ready for The Incidents. Best gig I had seen them play yet! Brilliant set, and us fans had muchos fun. Took some photos of them playing, which gained their approval when up on facebook XD Gave Harry a massive hug when he came off the stage, and we spent another hour chatting and taking rather random pictures. Headed home on the minibus, joining in with the terrible singing and laughing at the odd moments when the bus radio switched from the iPod to a classical radio station. We managed to break the window again, but I think it was fine in the end. Many piss stops for the boys, and at about midnight I was the last on the bus and Geof dropped me off at home. Stumbled in, with ringing ears, and headed upstairs to my laptop. Uploaded photos, posted on the Incidents wall, chatted to Harry until about 2am, when we decided sleep was probably the best course of action now. Slept too much and woke up ridiculously groggy. All in all, a brilliant Saturday <3

Mother's day! Naturally, spent the day with mother dear. We went to see a fantastic movie - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Absolutely brilliant, and the best cast in a long time. I officially ship Judi Dench and Bill Nighy.
Popped home and then hurried to Northampton and had a lovely meal at Ask. Chatted about everything with mum, which is quite difficult to do because we talk at home, and it's just us so there often isn't much more to say. Still, t'was a lovely meal, and hopefully mum enjoyed her day.

Listened to Bon Jovi with Nerd in RE. That was good.
Went to music, which was quite fun.
On the way home, I saw Gemma H at the park and headed over to see her and the kids. The new baby girl is gorgeous! So happy when I got to hold her for a while! <3 Chatted to Gemma and headed home happy. 

Not much happened. I didn't get to Photography, but I got a shoot done at Bishop anyway.
Sat in the sun for two hours with Om, Nerd, Timmy and Miller. 
Think I stayed at the bench for lunch, though saw Fairy, New guy and Ladybird very briefly when I walked Twin to drama, or flute, or something in that block.
Double English was rather tame.
Spent the evening figuring out parts of All Along The Watchtower on guitar XD

No assembly, so chatted to the gang before lessons began. Boring RE lesson. Just nibbled food at break and chatted to people.
English was pretty boring too.
Free was alright.
Lunch was really nice. Went to music pretty early. Jazz band was on, so it ended up just being Ladybird and I for most of lunch. He was being very lovely. He said he had been missing me, even though he had seen me briefly yesterday and the day before. Felt very loved. We ended having a really long lovely hug, which kept me smiling for a few hours. Chatted and guitared. It's nice and quiet (ish) when it's just us. It's nice. New Guy arrived after a while, so we just kept chatting and whatnot and left at the end as usual. Year 10 RE was good. They had a cover, so they changed seats and were an absolute nightmare, but I adore them. Couldn't get my troublesome two to work as well as I usually can, which was very frustrating, but if I looked up I'd see Ladybird smiling at me, which was kind of calming. Would probably have been very stressed if I didn't have him there. Still, despite the kids being insane and a bit of a handful, I still really enjoyed the lesson with them.
Spent my last free chatting to Timmy in the sun, which was nice.
Dance was fairly tame, but hey, still good.

English was VERY boring.
Psych was alright actually. I'd bought Jasper and I some chocolate hobnobs to nom on, so they took the edge off revision.
Lunch was good. Went to music for a little while so Ladybird didn't miss me again. Sweet comment from New Guy, who said they would all miss me. Naww.
Anywho. Went to speak to the school chaplain for the rest of lunch about getting my poems published, and had a lovely chat with her. Am meeting a publisher first thing on Monday!!!! Very nervous and excited!!!
Had to do a presentation in RE, but it was fine. 
Had a mentoring session in my free, which went quite well.

Went to Market Harborough in Photography, so we went to Costa, Starbucks, and a sweet shop. Got a couple of photos too.
T'was mufti, so I was happy in my normal clothes instead of annoying smart ones.
Had a good day. Went to music. Didn't mean to stay but did in the end. T'was alright. Not as good as usual for some reason. Ah well. I was still hyped for the Incidents gig tonight.
One boring lesson and then a free in the afternoon. Spent the free with Cleugh, Smurf, and Marsh. Went to the shop, met Azzy, came back and lazed around in the sun. Fairy came home with me ready for the gig.
Had fun guitaring and shiz, before we nommed food and left.
Gig was fantastic. The Incidents played first and Harry asked me to take pictures, so I had even more fun =P They were rather brilliant XD Unfortunately Peter Pan and X had to leave straight after that, which was a little sucky :( Fairy and I hung around chatting to people through the next few bands, a couple of which were just plain bad. Chatted to Sam and Alex (of the band) for the first time properly with Geof, which was quite fun. Good to get to know them. Geof and I were fairly sure the Incidents could win this heat, but then the last band came on and we agreed they had real competition. Burn City Burn were quite brilliant. They stole the evening really. Though I still had the Incidents songs in my head till the early hours. Stayed with Fairy, Harry and t'others until the scores were announced. The band came second, only a point or two behind Burn City Burn, but they were still happy. They had already said they wouldn't mind coming second to Burn City Burn. They were still utterly brilliant, and I was very proud of them XD Got some lovely hugs from the band, chatted to Harry and left with Fairy. 

Woke up later than planned, and felt like I had a hangover, but at least my ears had stopped ringing.
Rushed to get ready and ended up wearing basically the same clothes as the night before. 
Headed to Moulton College, which re-confused my post-A levels plans because I fell in love with the Animal Welfare department.
Came back to Kettering. Went to see the Hunger Games with the gang, which was fun. The film was brilliant XD End up staying for the meal even though I really shouldn't have. T'was good.
Came home exhausted. Went to bed early instead of revising.

Sunday 25th:
I have woken up early. Started revising and gave up. Have been talking to Mr Brilliant and blogging, but now my head is killing me, so I am off to fetch paracetamol.

Hatter xx

Monday 12 March 2012

Wow... 4000!

Thank you for getting this to 4000 page views! I have no idea how this blog has so many page views, but thank you anyway :) It's nice to know someone is listening <3
Hatter xx

Sunday 11 March 2012


Nice to be indirectly told that your supposed best friend isn't really bothered about you, isn't it?
I've tried to be there for her through everything, especially all the extra stuff she has had to deal with, but apparently that doesn't matter now. I know she is stressed, but still, pushing people who actually care about you away won't help.

Sorry for the rant.
Just kind of tired of my 'best friends' treating me like nothing.

Hatter xx

Ink and rage

Paul Kemp: "I want to make a promise to you, the reader. And I don't know if I can fulfill it tomorrow, or even the day after that. But I put the bastards of this world on notice that I do not have their best interests at heart. I will try and speak for my reader. That is my promise. And it will be a voice made of ink and rage."

^ Love this moment. It's another quote from 'The Rum Diary'. Again, I say, go watch it!!! 
If I ever get my poetry published in one book or whatever, I will probably title it 'Ink and Rage' as that seems rather appropriate given the subjects of my poems and stories.

More Rum Diary quotes:
Sala: "You're high you fool, drink some rum!" 
My vision does keep warping today. Perhaps I should drink rum. Although I am still blaming Ladybird for any brain issues as he basically gave me concussion on Friday. OO. That reminds me. 

(Don't panic, it was a good day XD)
Arrived at Tresham and just worked >.< Emma, Azzy and Kimberley arrived after a while though. It was just us that lesson. As it was progress review week, when our lecturer had seen us all she let us go home after break, so we just left. Kim and I walked up to town, but she got the bus straight away. I bought Haribo for my music boys and walked to school. Bumped into Gloves and was given a cake. Some Psych students got me to do an experiment for them -.- Spent the next hour or so with Om, Iona and CB. That was alright. Nice to actually speak to Om for the first time in ages. Lunch finally came around, and I went down to music as soon as I could. Fairy followed quite quickly too. It was pretty good. Just me, Ladybird, Fairy, Matty, Crazy Alex. No Mad Harry today. We cracked open the Haribos and just had a good time jamming really. Matty nicked all the gummy bears and wedged them in the guitar strings, which looked pretty epic. Ladybird wanted Haribo, so we agreed I'd shove three in his mouth XD He managed to keep playing the electric at the same time - brilliant little git :P Alex started playing some RHCP for me to guess the titles of. I confess I failed. I knew the song, just not the title! Ladybird cracked open his raisins and naturally began attempting to throw them into my cleavage -.- He failed until the last couple... We'll probably be banned now... so many raisins on the floor!! D: We all started to get ready to leave, and I crouched down to pick something up from by Ladybird's feet. Just as I started to get up he went to head butt me, and the result was just.... ouch. D: He has a concrete skull, I swear. So I after getting a mild concussion I continued to pack shiz away, though I accidentally kneed Lion in the face :/ Fail. We left Ladybird to it, until I remembered it was a Friday and I wanted a hug before the weekend! So I went back to get a hug. T'was a really nice long nuzzly one. That kind of sounds bad... Ah well. We hugged normally, then he sort of sighed and we kind of nestled into each other a little more. That's all. Let go after a while, and ended up with a headache all through English. Took some paracetamol which made it a little better. Saw Ladybird again in his History break, but didn't see Lion :/ Spent my free with year 13s chatting about everything. Got to see Lion and Ladybird at the end of the day, which was good. Walked to the bus stop with Lion, who seemed kind of quiet and down. I guess he'll talk to me about what's wrong when he is ready to. Turned out Gloves, Smurf, Charlotte, X and Peter Pan were getting the bus too. I wouldn't have minded if it hadn't meant that I ended up being surrounded by couples. Particularly Smurf and Gloves. I may understand it, but I still despise it. We sat at the back, and there was this adorable kid who we naturally all cooed over. He had blond hair and blue eyes, which wasn't fun when Smurf was sitting right next to him, and reminding me of the future together that we had talked about. So I got off the bus surrounded by couples and went home feeling miserable. Ah well. Had a good evening with mother dear and chatted to people - especially Sammykins - until late, so all was fine.

Things from The Rum Diary keep whirling round my mind. This was mentioned at one point:
"Oscar Wilde once said, 'Nowadays, people know the price of everything, and the value of nothing." 
Fairly true. Reminds me of my rants of people not appreciating what they have. I won't expose you to another of those rants though, don't worry.

The guitar on this song is beaut.

And this song is pretty much my mindset right now :/ 

So there is your music for today. I think. Nope, one more.

The title seems pretty poignant to me right now, so I thank spotify for recommending it to me.

S'all folks.
Hatter xx

Friday 9 March 2012

The Rum Diaries

is quite a good film, actually. Not the greatest plot, but rather entertaining.
Good quote:
"Human beings are the only creatures on earth that claim a god and the only living things that behave like they haven't got one."

Think on that until I can be bothered to write the rest of this post :)
Maybe even leave a comment if you dare ;)

Hatter xx

p.s. Bucks Fizz + Green & Blacks chocolate ice cream + The Rum Diary = Excellent Friday evening. You should try it some time.

Thursday 8 March 2012


Felt quite hurt t'other day. I should be used to it by now, but I'm not.
People were talking about those who get benefits.
Or even those who basically have to live off those benefits.
They all just said that benefits should be scrapped because they just give money to people who can't be bothered to get off their asses and get a job.
My religious studies class had to consider the ethical issues of saving one life instead of another. One group got a millionaire versus someone on benefits.
Not hard to guess who they saved.
Some of them had decent, logical reasons. Others were just be judgemental assholes.

Sorry. I should probably tell you why this bothers me so much, although you have probably guessed.

My family gets benefits. There you go. Judge me, hate me, look down on me, laugh at me, throw rocks at me, blah blah blah.
I don't care what people think of me, but I hate it when people stereotype.
My mum is a single parent on low income who, having already raised two sons into adulthood, now has me, the teenage daughter, to look after. Along with dealing with debts and rising prices for everything.
So we get child benefits. Because we are poor. Not because my mum doesn't have a job. She does have a job. She works at a school trying to help students like me (and possibly you) get the best grades they can so they can get a job that will mean they won't have to live off benefits. 
My mum has worked hard all her life. She has contributed a hell of a lot to society - possibly more than some millionaires - and so I feel hurt and angry when it is suggested that those who are given benefits are lazy, jobless, etc. 
It also feels crap to sit in a class and watch yourself be cast aside because of your income.
What did I learn that RE lesson?
That my life, or the life of my mother, is not as important as that of a millionaire.

I shouldn't rant here.
Please don't use stereotypes or assume you know what is actually happening around you. You could even be talking to someone who is on benefits, and stereotyping them without realising it.
Be careful.
Don't assume.
Appreciate what you have, and understand the real reason benefits and such were created.
To give millions people like me a chance.
Don't deny us what the majority of you don't appreciate.

Hatter xx

Sweet Dreams...

"are made of this..."
Song stuck in my head.

If my days were dreams they would certainly be sweet ones. I have okay lessons and whatnot, but I have fantastic lunchtimes with Fairy and my music boys, plus some enjoyable frees, and then I get to go home and chat to Sammykins (Mr Brilliant)  and Fairy for hours.
These are good days <3

Resisted the urge to go to music today, so stayed with Fairy and t'others at the bench. Definitely going tomorrow though :)
T'was epic on Wednesday :D Filmed Ladybird and crazy Alex playing electric guitars amazingly behind their heads. 
Those two are fantastic to behold. All my boys are.
They make me so proud.

Congrats to m'lovely year 10s who got exam results today!!!! So proud of y'all :)
Also congrats to Fairy for getting THE BEST GEOLOGY AS RESULT IN THE SCHOOL XD <3 So proud of you bezzie <3 <3

Thank you for the lullaby-ish guitar playing earlier Sammykins!
There, you got a direct mention ;) <3

Looking forward to seeing Chicken Fingers on Saturday!!!!!

Good song for y'all:

Hatter xx

P.s. Got my Psychology exam result today. Not too bad. Not as good as I wanted it to be, but I can't really complain.

Sunday 4 March 2012

When the Fairy and the Hatter decided to help.


Fairy and I have decided to set up a new blog talking about our experiences as recovered self-harmers. We are just going to talk about, what we went through, how we got through it, and things we think could help someone else get through it. We just want to help anyone that is going through too much, and who may or may not have reached the point of self-harming. So if it applies to you, feel free to take a look. Even take a look if you have made it through too and fancy a look or have any suggestions.

If not, no wookers. But I don’t want any smart-ass comments from people who think they know everything about the world.

So, please take a look if it if you think we might be able to help you.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Don't change for anyone.

And you are far, far too loved to ever be considered lonely.


So we can all shine bright.

^ Cause this is epic XD

"Is appearance truth?"

2nd March

Woke up late, though groggily excited to be seeing my Zilla that evening.
My lift to Bishop went without me, so I had to lug my school bag and a medium sized, heavy overnight bag to the bus stop and then all the way through town. Didn't even get to town until 9:45. 10 minutes before my Psychology lesson would be ending. So I missed that. 
Stopped at Wilkinson's to buy the second part of dear Zilla's birthday present - a milkybar XD Also got some pick and mix sweets to cheer me up :D
Lugged my ridiculously heavy bags all the way to Bishop. That was painful -.-
Didn't bother walking up to Tresham because by the time I got there it would be 10 minutes until the end of the lesson and I would have to walk back to Bishop again. So I spent my new double free wrapping the chocolate and writing an essay in Zilla's card <3
Started off just being Timmy, Darts and I, which was really nice. Then Charlotte, Smurf, Globes and Son-In-Law arrived. Not so nice. Though it was really nice to see Son-In-Law until he left early. And seeing Charlotte was nice I guess. After Son-In-Law left I went off and sat reading the Amber Spyglass in another section of the library on my own. Went and sat at the bench in the sun. Kinda nice. People arrived for lunch. Nibbled on food and went kind of early to music with the Lion. Been spending a lot of time with him lately. Good times :)
Music was really good :D Waited for 'our room' to be free and stood over Ladybird while he fiddled on the electric guitar.  
Quote from music today: "HOW DEEP RORY?"
Went into our little room. Sat around chatting any playing le guitars. MANY INNUENDOS. Had a little jamming session with Fairy and Ladybird. Made faces at Unicorn. Eyebrow raise fight with Ladybird. Just general awesomeness. Mad Harry arrived. Greeted him with: "Greetings owner". (As his card throwing skills last Friday meant he 'won' me, along with some rather odd body parts of the boys... That was an odd day). Muchos fun times ensued. Mad Harry and Ladybird jammed awesomely for a couple of minutes and I had a 'proud "mum" moment'. I do love my boys!!! Went to fetch my bag from beneath Ladybird's chair, and there was minor flirting after that, as I sat next to him for a while. Things are a little odd... between us. I adore our friendship. It's just odd because I know we do flirt a little. Ah well. It's still fun. I like being close to him friends-wise. He makes me very happy. All my young'uns and besties do. There was a particularly cute moment today when I tickled his neck and he sort of dived sideways towards me. Ended up with him looking up and me leaning down over him, and it was just kind of adorable. He has bush baby eyes sometimes XD 
So yeah. Fun times with the 'kids' as Fairy and I call them. Unicorn left half way through though :/
Got lovely hugs from my dears <3 so I was ready to face the afternoon.

English was quite bitty and fairly boring. Nerd and I got absolutely no work done. Zilla's absence has a profound effect on us. We just can't get anything done without her! RE was boring. The last 20 minutes were okay though. Gave up on work and chatted to Nerd and a couple of other cool kids.

At the end of the day I said goodbye to my darlings and hopped into Zilla's mum's car with Heather <3 Chatted about boys and AVPM all the way to Corby. I couldn't contain my excitement about seeing Zilla!!!! Arrived at Zilla's and leaped on her the second I saw her. I missed her so much it's absolutely unbelievable. T'was amazing to finally see her again! 
T'was so cute when she read the essay in the card :D I'd also bought her The Hunger Games and a milkybar. Think she liked them :P Spent aaaaages chatting before we got started on the Potter-athon. SO MUCH AWESOME.
Had fish pie for dinner and DELICIOUS birthday cake with rasberries for pudding. Skyped with Mr Brilliant until about an hour ago. Zilla and I ended up suggesting that Rory, Brilliant, Zilla and I should all meet up in Cambridge one day and have some fun times :P Spent a very long skype group conversation talking about that :D
Continued with the Potterathon, and we are currently on number 3 and it is 1:16am. I've had such an amazing evening with Zilla, I can't wait for the next few days!!!!! <3 Love you Zilla!!!! xxxx <3

1st March continued


When judgemental dickheads accurately represent the majority of society.

And I remember why I am so disappointed with society's attitude towards important issues.

It's Self-Harm Awareness day. There. Some awareness.

No, I am not a cutter. I am not depressed. I do not deliberately harm my self. I'm really happy with my life.

So why am I raising awareness?

Because I think people should be more aware of it, and get a damn better attitude about it.

Sorry. Ranting because some dickheads are so self-centred and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. It's disappointing.

Rant over.

This was the first part of the post for the 1st of March.