Tuesday 12 June 2012


My 'Auntie S' (as I shall call her on here) is a truly astonishing woman.
I love her completely.
And she loves me completely, despite having no real obligation to me whatsoever. She isn't my real aunt. She is the sister of my half-brothers' dad. But still. She is Auntie S.
She is a Christian with seemingly unwavering faith.
She has an unbelievable sense of compassion and humanity.
She is a faithful wife, and a fantastic mother to two brilliant individuals.
She is kind.
She is caring.
She is honest.
She is ridiculously enthusiastic about everything.
She is incredibly fond of everyone.
She has an uncanny ability to make anyone smile.
And to make anyone feel loved, and blessed, and treasured by all.
She is incredibly selfless.
She is so sweet.
She is loyal.
I have never encountered a single one of her flaws, if she even has one. Possibly it would be that she might get herself hurt by caring too much.
She is so small and yet so unbelievably strong.
She astonishes me.
Every time I see her.

She went well out of her way to drive mum to hospital and back recently, as well as coming with me to visit and being a tower of strength and a great source of cuddles when either of us needed comfort.
We were visiting my mum in hospital, and while I had alone time with mum Auntie S was off befriending and bringing smiles to the rest of the ward.
She will always believe the best of everyone, and try her best to bring a smile to everyone.

She is always giving.

If you asked her for the world, she'd find some way to give it to you. 

And when you ask for nothing, she gives you more.

Tiny example of her ridiculous generosity:
I came home today to find an early birthday from her. A cheque for £150.
To some people, that's nothing. But to my family, and to Auntie S, that's ...well, a rather significant amount.
It's not even a mile stone birthday.
£50 would be incredibly generous
£100 would be astonishing and extravagant
£150 is so... Auntie S. But I can't accept it. She'll bless my heart and try to get me to keep it but I can't. She is so generous and so strong and the greatest gift she can give me is the chance to one day become like both her and my mother. The money is an astonishing gift, but I can't accept it. I know she'll want me to keep some, and I will so she doesn't fuss, but I certainly can't accept £150. Not from her. She's too... good. I'll ask her to buy herself a present with the rest, or send it to a charity. That is the right kind of place for money given with that much love and good-will.

I love Auntie S.
I always will.
She could give you everything you could ask for and more, and she would still want to give you more.
She is the most purely good and true person I know.
Standing between her and mum, I know I have a lot to live up to.
End of 'rant'.

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