Sunday 20 March 2011

Big Red Update

A LOT has happened since I last blogged:
Went to a party as Harley Quinn again, and had an epic time :D Also got to steal 'The Doctor's' Fez  XD XD XD
On Sunday evening I randomly decided I wanted to have a Comic Relief Party....
on monday I had very belated pancakes with my faith group.
On Wednesday afternoon I got my retainers and introduced J to my dance class.
Thursday was mostly uneventful as far as I can remember.
Friday was the most epic day in the history of Mankind. Ish. And therefore requires a whole new section:

So, why was yesterday so epical?
Because it was Red nose day!!! I wore lots of red and had tons of fun with my mateys. The party I randomly thought of 4 days before went ahead, and was fantastic! We ate only red food, waxed my friend's legs, make-up-ised and nail varnished him, watched the show, shaved weird shapes in the beard of my friend's dad, did some karaoke and other EPIC stuffles, all for the sake of Red Nose Day :D Guess how much approximately 15 teens raised? ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE FRICKIN POUNDS!! OH YEAH!!! XD
I'm so proud of my munchkins XD
Also FINALLY broke up with the bf... its a long, irritating and persistant story, so I'll give you the details later :P

Today was fairly unremarkable, so not much to say :P

Next time, as well as the break up, I'm guna go all philosophical and shiz and talk about war...

Hattter xx

P.s. One of my friend's asked me to prom today. He was very sweet :P Let's call him... M. He said "Jenny, I can't understand why a girl like you has no prom date, so will you be mine? xx" N'YAWW. Apparently he's liked me for a while... we'll see what happens. (Though don't worry, I'm definitely not going into any kind of relationship for quite a while after this break up...


  1. Wow. Apparently with the gift aid, the total is actually £200!!!!! WOOO!
