Thursday 31 March 2011


Well. Today has been an overly hyper day, and I feel rather dizzy. I didn't miss my school bus (I missed it yesterday ;) lol), but my twin and X weren't on it, so I could-nae chat to anyone! D:
When I got into school I chatted to my Zilla, and my "gay" best friend. (He's bi, but it still counts ;) LOL. We do love him :D). We shall call him ... Om. Because his eyes are all ominous and O.o. Om had cat hair all over him (He does have a cat :P Its not like he randomly rolled in cat hair before he came to school. Tch, honestly.). So I threw a reel of sellotape at him and he patted himself with it until he was cat-hair-less.
Then it was the dreaded maths, which was... uneventful and kind of boring really :/
At break, everyone was asking where my twin was - she was "ill". (Actually she was skiving, but hohumpig'sbum). It was also funny (as usual with my friends), though I'm too O.o to remember any real details.... 
Next I had Science and then English. Science was okay... we did watch a clip of Brian Cox (heart heart heart!) talking about how we discovered the structure of atoms or something. So that was good. English was awesome. We watched a clip from Beauty and The Beast, and had to write a 1st person description of the scene :D
Hang on, I'll put mine up :P
I flung myself down the dark, Gothic stairs, my heart beating faster than my feet could run. An eerie sound whispered towards me, and I ran faster, my breath catching in the dark, dusty air. My feet found the end of the staircase, and I felt the cold pushing through the carpet on the landing. I paused at the doors for a moment, and tugged at the freezing handle. I pulled at it fiercely, my heartbeat drumming through my body. Another noise, and fear allowed me to wrench the heavy doors open.
The cold hit me like a bull... a beast. The raging wind tore at my clothes, and I could barely call for my horse, The landscape looked cold and bleak, blanketed by thick, uninviting snow. The cold released its shocking on my body, and I was able to clamber onto my frantic horse.
I glanced back to the Gothic castle, regret and pain filling my eyes until I could see the place no more. The darkness swallowed me as my horse struggled through the woods. As we pushed through them, the trees scratched and tugged at me, almost pulling me off my ride. I leant my body closer to the horse, our heartbeats almost matching in pace, driven by fear. Suddenly he reared up in fright, and I clung onto the reins, glancing around for the source of his fear. I watched in cold, freezing terror as a dozen pairs of yellow eyes creeped from the darkness. A pack of wolves, all grinning with malicious hunger  padded close, circling us ravenously.
My poor horse reared and dragged us away from the snapping jaws, and we tumbled through the clinging snow. For one hopeful moment, we seemed to be ahead of them, safe. But then we were surrounded again, and my horse through my off in fear, the reigns caught by a nearby tree. Scrambling to my feet, I could only stare into the bright yellow eyes of the leading wolf, as he slowly closed in.
So yeah... That was fun! XD We then got into little groups and had to read through each other's, and make a single scene description from the originals. Was GOOOOOD. Irritatingly (though kinda nicely) they wanted to use mine as the basis :D It's not THAT good!!!!
Ach well.
Lunch arrived with my twin :P, and t'was hilarious XD It was UBER windy, so my skirt was like... PHOUF. But yeah. T'was fun and such :P After nomming our food, we headed out to the field. At one point, I was sitting with M, Zilla and her bf, and suddenly the twin's boyfriend and another guy started wrestling and ended up on the floor in WEIRD positions. T'was quite hilarious. No worries though - no-one got hurt ;) So yeah, much epic hilarity and stuffles. M is officially rather adorkable. Officially. Which is weird for me cos of things I shan't mention cos they're not technically about me O.o
Graphics was after luncheon, and we just spent our time revising. The twin and I sat outside by our lonesies and sang along to the Kings of Leon, The Circle Of Life, other disney songs, and ... something else. The twin can sing  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backwards :D :D :D
So then we trotted off home on the bus which was hilarious XD
Orgasmic chocolate brownie cake
Orgasmic Terry's chocolate orange brownie cake
and BOB
are the phrases that come to mind. I'm sure the twin ('Gloves' for those of you who don't know that), will fill you in if she decides to :P
Finally, either you've completely forgotten the title of this post, or are sitting there wondering why the fudgemuffin I named it Raven. WELL. Walking home from the bus with Gloves, in our hyper mood, we encountered a black cat :D We stroked it a lot, and I decided it should be called Raven XD We didn't know if it was male or female, so I decided that Raven sounded like it could be either. Therefore, the stray black cat up the road is now called Raven.
How we heart Raven XD

Much Love

Hatter xx
(+ Raven)

I watched the labyrinth on tuesday afternoon. SO EPICAL. Epical/ O.o things: 1. David Bowie's growing ... well, boner.... in VERY tight leggings ;) ...; 2. CRYSTAL BALL/CONTACT JUGGLING. OMG SO AMAZING. 3. Bowie's hair. 4. GOBLINS.


Tuesday 29 March 2011


FINALLY gave Zilla's birthday prezzie to her! Obviously the muggle post people were having issues ;) ANYWAY. So I got her a epical exploding bath bomb, and 'Jane Austen's Guide To Romance' (book). I gave it to her yesterday, and I THINK  she's been glued to it since XD
ALSO, M asked me out... and I said yes. It may only be 10 days since i broke up with C, but it feels like a lot longer. He's sweet, and i think it might work out :P
Nothing much :P

Must be off

Hatter xx

Thursday 24 March 2011

Well then...

So. The break up.
You all know I was going to break up with the bf? Well we did split up, and this is how it happened:
1. He texts me to say we're over
2. I say fine, because the only reason I hadn't ended it was because I wanted to be mature and say it to his face. OH, and that I hope we can somehow be friends.
3. 13 texts begging for me back, including one which called me a bitch and professed undying love for me simultaneously.
4. I've ignored the texts, and given his jumper back to him, and am awaiting the return of a watch I gave him.
5. I just received a text saying, (and I quote) "Ha ha bitch I've got someone that will actually wait for me'. Look back to points 1 and 3, then laugh at his immaturity.

My point exactly. Why was that text necessary? I've had a couple of guys interested in me before the break up as well as after (though I remained loyal). But I haven't gone 'ooo look at me!'. I'm sorry. I just don't understand the motive behind that text. I don't see what he is hoping to achieve.

Apologies for all that and the lack of the war discussion as promised, but that should come next time :P

Hope you're all having epic times XD

Much love

Hatter xx

Sunday 20 March 2011

Big Red Update

A LOT has happened since I last blogged:
Went to a party as Harley Quinn again, and had an epic time :D Also got to steal 'The Doctor's' Fez  XD XD XD
On Sunday evening I randomly decided I wanted to have a Comic Relief Party....
on monday I had very belated pancakes with my faith group.
On Wednesday afternoon I got my retainers and introduced J to my dance class.
Thursday was mostly uneventful as far as I can remember.
Friday was the most epic day in the history of Mankind. Ish. And therefore requires a whole new section:

So, why was yesterday so epical?
Because it was Red nose day!!! I wore lots of red and had tons of fun with my mateys. The party I randomly thought of 4 days before went ahead, and was fantastic! We ate only red food, waxed my friend's legs, make-up-ised and nail varnished him, watched the show, shaved weird shapes in the beard of my friend's dad, did some karaoke and other EPIC stuffles, all for the sake of Red Nose Day :D Guess how much approximately 15 teens raised? ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE FRICKIN POUNDS!! OH YEAH!!! XD
I'm so proud of my munchkins XD
Also FINALLY broke up with the bf... its a long, irritating and persistant story, so I'll give you the details later :P

Today was fairly unremarkable, so not much to say :P

Next time, as well as the break up, I'm guna go all philosophical and shiz and talk about war...

Hattter xx

P.s. One of my friend's asked me to prom today. He was very sweet :P Let's call him... M. He said "Jenny, I can't understand why a girl like you has no prom date, so will you be mine? xx" N'YAWW. Apparently he's liked me for a while... we'll see what happens. (Though don't worry, I'm definitely not going into any kind of relationship for quite a while after this break up...

Wednesday 9 March 2011


ZOMG. I got my braces off today :D :D :D
I have decided that it was definitely worth all the pain, as my teeth look - even if I do say so myself - utterly GORGEOUS.

Anyway... I am a happy bunny now.

I now can't say 'bunny' without thinking about The Mighty Boosh. It is the most excellent programme ever, and Noel Fielding will forever have a chunk of my heart ;)
For those who know what I'm on about, "Monkey hands... and frozen legs... the ultimate combination", (8) Pelt the rabbit in its big white face, pelt him, pelt him (8), 'I'm Old Gregg'


Hatter xx

Thursday 3 March 2011

Thursday 3rd March.

Feeling kinda meh-ish today.
Once again I find myself feeling like I don't belong... i am becoming restless amongst my friends and I just feel like something is... off...
I don't know.
Other than panicking about my deadline (which has been extended, thank the lord), I was fine when I came in this morning. Then it just kinda went down-hill from break-time onwards, until now.
Plus, I really wanted to talk to my twin, and she said we could go to the park after school, so I didn't stay on and carry on with my coursework. When we were walking home, she said she wasn't free... I don't mind, I just wish she'd said something before, so I could've been getting on with coursework all this time.
So... since I was feeling crap and would have no-one to talk to, I went into the shop and then went home the other way. I contemplated getting the public bus back to school, but it wouldn't have arrived there until 5, and that was too late. I had a strange urge to look the opposite way when I got nearer my house, and I saw that one of the horses was sticking its head over the wall and looking at me. I decided to go and 'talk' to it. All three of them ended up turning up for the chat. I feel a bit calmer after being with the horses...
This one leant right over the wall, and put its head right up to me, its nose brushing the neck of my coat. Anthropomorphic as this might sound, it really felt like a lovely gesture of comfort and love. That was the main part of being near the horses that helped. They're just so quietly accepting and loving, and are incredibly receptive to human emotions.

Aren't they gorgeous?
Enough about depressing stuff.
I'm texting my boyfriend at the mo... I've decided to try and stay with him as long as possible. When I next see him, I will have a proper talk and see if we can make it work.
I think everyone deserves love, and so I should keep trying, because when we meet up, I do feel incredibly happy.
This is one of my favourite songs, and it tells part of my life quite well. Take a look, Boyce Avenue are amazing :D
I was just listening to that now, and I read a comment beneath the video which warmed my heart...
'Met a ton of these girls that have gone through what you're describing.. To the girls out there It sucks for the guys that really do love you. We try hard to convince you that we're different. Don't let the assholes out there make you believe you aren't worth it. You deserve love, it will find you.'
The guy is right, and it applies to boys as well. Never give up, because you DO deserve love, and it WILL find you...

Hatter xxx

Wednesday 2 March 2011



MATHS EXAM. The maths exam was on Tuesday morning for an hour, and I actually think I did okay. There were some areas I wish I'd revised more, but I think it was okay. I HOPE it was okay, anyway.
Tuesday was also Zilla's birthday :D Epic times indeed. School was full of the usual hilarity, contributed to by our OMG-ness about Zilla's yearly ageing. I went straight to hers after to school, and we played the piano and chatted and stuffles, before having an old-ladies-gossip session. Epic XD So that was goooood. (Though I am incredibly jealous of her Slytherin scarf :-P). We went to the local pub for dinner with her 'rentals and sister, and t'was EXCELLENT. The food was incredibly nommish, and - despite being absolutely stuffed - Zilla's sister and I decided that we most certainly did have room for pudding :D I do not regret it, no matter how fat I feel now. That melt-in-the-middle chocolate pudding was well worth it :D

It's Wednesday now, and it was a fairly good day. We dissected a lung in science... YUM. 
I missed my buses this morning YAY!!!! We normally have two.... I ended up nicking some money from mum (who couldn't drive me in as she had to go to work), and getting the public bus. In the end, it was good I got that bus because my god-brother was on it and we walked together... T'was epically fun. <3 Ninja Cat <3 :D

I have decided I needed to come up with more ponderous thoughts than ranting on about my day. I haven't found one for today, but perhaps there shall be one to ponder tomorrow.

With my love until my next scribble,