Thursday 18 October 2012

Another great day :')

Had decent lessons in the morning, and saw most of my faves at break - Em, Fairy, Pipkin, The Giant One, Mol and Amy. Did lots of work in my free and saw Ladybird and Lion at the end of it :') <3
Lunch was excellent. Saw all the awesome people, and then went to a talk by a graduate English student and he was brilliant! Funny, informative, and my perfect stereotype for a University English student. Right down to his stripy shirt and his short but still somehow whimsically windswept hair.
Spent my afternoon frees with Fairy and Smurf :') <3
Went to town with Bunny, Em, Lion and Mol :') <3 Lots of hilarity with Mol's mysterious caller and Lion's legendary utterly unrivalled wit. Pipkin called us when it was just Bunny, Em and I at Morrisons and he came to see us XD <3 After Heather left (*sad face*) Em, Pipkin and I meandered up to Boots so Pipkin could whine about walking and Em could print off photos <3 Went into Waterstones on the way home and found ourselves in the young readers section, all three of us beautifully delighted at the Peter Pan book with sounds, and the collections of Beatrix Potter, and Winnie The Pooh. Never in my tiny lifetime have I felt more love for two people (who were not my mum or brothers), than the moment when Pipkin (who IS MALE) and Em were equally delighted by the Peter Pan book. We all headed back to Em's and it was quite simply perfect. Put Miranda on and settled on the sofa. Me snuggled into Pipkin, Em snuggled into us both. Em fell asleep, Pipkin and I snuggled, and he laughed at all the right moments in the episode. When Pipkin left he gave both Em and I humongous hugs :') He is lovely. Em and Pipkin make my day, everyday. <3
Em and I nommed DELICIOUS eats and continued with Miranda, before moving to Em's ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS new bedroom!! :') We actually did homework! On her brilliant new desk, no less. We slow danced, tried on clothes, snuggled and generally chatted. I love her. I really do. I've never had better 'sisters' than her and Bunny <3
Brilliant day. As always, thanks to the beautiful people whom, by some miraculous coincidence, I have been allowed to call my closest friends.

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