Thursday 3 January 2013

Last Post

As in of the blog... No soldiers here. Technically.
So I'm saying good bye to 'The Black Book of Blog'. I should probably feel sad, but I'm actually not sure that I do. The choice to move to a new blog was inspired by a positive desire for a new start, rather than a negative one. I'm not starting a new blog because too many bad things have happened and I want to forget, I'm starting a new blog because I'm feeling positive enough to think that it is just time for a change. 
A lot has happened since I began this blog, and it has been both good and bad.
I started this in September 2010, when I was just starting year 11. So since then I have come through GCSEs, formation and break down of relationships, depression, self-harm, loss and discovery of faith, recovery, new and unexpected experiences, the discovery of new friends,  AS levels, and overwhelming, lingering joy.

So I begin 2013 and the new blog having recovered from the struggles of the summer of 2011 and the fight to avoid relapse, with a much healthier outlook on life. I have some extraordinary friends - some new, some old - all of whom I am blessed to know. I have a wonderful gentleman friend, my George, who is still here after two months today, and who I hope will stick around for a very long time. My relationship with my mother is still tense at times, but I'm trying to stay honest with her, and never let any fight fester. I want to enjoy this last bit of time that I will spend at home with her before Uni. I have had some wonderful experiences which I hope have bettered me as a person, and I hope I can stay grateful for it all.

Lastly, I want to say thank you to you, my readers. There may be a few of you, or there may just be one, but either way, thank you for sticking around. It's always nice to know someone is listening, so thank you for that. If you want to continue to follow my thoughts, you can find them here. If not, good bye for now, and I hope you have an excellent New Year.

See you around.

Wednesday 2 January 2013


Time for the annual 'starting over'.
I can't wait.
I ended 2012 and began 2013 in the arms of my George, which was a wonderful feeling. He's was here since surprising me at work at 3pm, and he went home yesterday evening. I actually don't have any words to correctly summarise all the feelings of the last few days, but it was most definitely the most wonderful New Year celebration I've ever had.
Since everything is a little different this year, and it's going to be a year of changes, I have decided to start a new blog, and so this is probably the penultimate post on 'The Black Book of Blog', the next and possibly last post will contain a link to the new blog.
I'm off to bed as I have school again tomorrow, so good night everyone.
I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year celebration.
Hatter x