Sunday 30 September 2012

An excellent weekend :)

So why was my weekend so fabulous?
Friday at school wasn't the best, and I had been panicking about the evening, but it all turned out well in the end. The panic in the evening was because I was due to attend my friend Alice's 18th birthday party. I was worried that it would be more awkward than fun. However, I had an absolutely fantastic time!!! We all had plenty to drink - possibly a bit too much in Hannah's case, but s'all cool because she was missing Josh - and the majority of the Bench Gang's few boundaries started to dissolve as our alcohol intake increased. I participated in drunken games of Never Have I Ever and Truth or Dare - I dare say these have beaten Tipsy Twister :') Also joined the girls upstairs and had a good laugh, as well as having moments with Jenni, when it was nice to get some things out in the open. I also had a pretty major chat with Jordan about everything, which went surprisingly well. I have a feeling things might be easier from now on. Went home and Charlotte stayed over, which was  nice :) That night with the gang was the best in a long time <3

Woke up at 7 with, surprisingly, NO HANGOVER (*dances*) and pointed Charlotte in the direction of the bus stop. Went shopping in Northampton with the lovely mother :') and had a lot of fun <3 Said good-bye to the Ponds as we watched the last episode of this series of Doctor Who :'(
Also got shitloads of school work done XD

Went to church with Emma to see little Benedict and Linus!! It was pretty good, despite Benedict deciding to be a bit of a handful!! Worked for aaaages at home, which made me feel pretty good for some reason :) Met up with Beth at 4.30 and spent ages just chatting about whatever we fancied :') Hilarious 'date' XD Evening church with Will, Beth and Tom was good - both Beth and I gave testimonies about the last night of Soul Survivor B 2012 (which I will tell you about soon, I swear). Came home, watched a movie with mum, then signed into facebook and saw two things that have left me absolutely buzzing!!
1. Lachs came second in the British Blo-Kart championships!!! So proud of my best friend!! :D <3 <3
2. My amazing God-sister got engaged to her long-term girlfriend today! So, so happy for them both :') <3 <3 <3

All in all, a brilliant weekend <3

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