Tuesday 9 August 2011


Off to Soul Survivor in the morning, so I'll have to do a massive update when I get home.
Saw busker guy in town today O.o Have seen him several times now, but I guess that's cause I spend most of my days aimlessly wandering round town.
Went to town again today :D With O, The Giant One, Gloves and (Gloves's) Husband. We spent a while wandering around - Gloves bought some underwear in Topshop and so we ended up seeing the busker again as he is opposite there (ish) now. Went and found the boys in Game, went to HMV and Evans as I have a voucher,  then made our way down to Oxfam. We stopped briefly at Waterstones, and I noticed the busker had gone and was buying fruit from the market in front of us... WOWZER. A man (well, boy) was buying FRUIT from a little market O.o awesome-ness XD lol. Pottered towards Oxfam, gave up, went up to Costa, ate stuff, looked for The Giant One as he had run off. Found the Giant One, saw Shaun and her gay best friend, Gloves and I went over and chatted for ages. Checked film times, decided to leave for the cinema. Made it to the cinema, watched the fim (EPICAL-NESS. And good to finally see it with the twin! I feel sorry for 'Husband', as he was between Gloves and I and had to put up with us reaching over him to hold hands. And we were crying O.o He cried too! naaawwww. :'( BOOM. Ahhh epic film :D Anywho. Film ended, we loitered before deciding to eat food. Walked to McDs. Ate outside and got attacked by wasps. O got cold. We finished and went inside. The Giant One stayed outside being upset D: Wanted to go to him but he had said he wanted to be alone... :/ Giant One walked off, we ran after him but had to let him go. Hung around for a bit - P.ER.V!!! Lol Twin <3 Then were picked up by mum. Came home and have been packing since.

On the news:
Riots still going on in London, Birmingham, and several other cities. It started as a peaceful protest, and now people have lost homes, livelihoods and businesses. Hope people are alright and safe. Praying for all tonight. Be safe everyone. Love you all.
Hatter xx

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