Tuesday 14 September 2010

Tuesday 14th September

School's getting frustrating.... There's this rumour going round that me and my bezzie are lesbians and are going out, and WE'RE NOT! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND FOR FRICK'S SAKE!!!!!!! Its so irritating! Other than that its ok. I have to make a speech about the intrusiveness of media in english tomorrow. Crap. i know all my words now, and am pretty confident, but as soon as i stand up in front of my class i'll go bright red and lose it all! ugh!
It was so cute with my friends yesterday! some year 7 thought that Lachlan, (one of) my guy bezzies was my bf, so i was like, No! he's my guy-bezzie ^^ then it was so adorable cos Jono, (one of my other guy bezzies ;) lol) went and looked all sad, so i had to say, "Okay, ONE of my guy bezzies." it was just so sweet! Jono's so funny ^^
Speaking of my boyfriend, i still really miss him actually! might be seeing him on the 18th of this month after my (OTHER) guy bezzie's 16th birthday party, cos me, Callum (the bf) and Lachlan might go to the fair in rushden after the party. should be gooooooooooood ^^ lol.
I'd best be off
Until my next scribble
Hatter xx

Monday 13 September 2010

Monday 13th September

Today was quite good. We're all talking about prom already... kinda scary really. Plus, my boyfriend cant go cos he's at a different school, so i'm going with one of my guy best friends. Should be ok. I'm really missing my boyfriend though. it was 2 months on the 11th :D Hopefully see him soon though.
Anyway, I need to get a ton of homework done before discipleship group tonight, so im off.
Until my next scribble
Hatter xx

Saturday 11 September 2010

11th September

Hmmm.... First blog post ever. well. This could be interesting. Might be hard to keep up though! Ah well. I'll try.
I've been back to school a week now, and its... well, its okay. But its going to be hard work this year. I'm now in year 11.... not great. Though, it is fun to be top of the school :D
I have a busy month outside school too. It's the village show today, one of my bezzies is 16 tomorrow. then there's his party on the 18th, might be going bowling with some friends on the 25th, then its my confirmation on the 26th, etc! lol. Plus we all wana go see The Hole 3D. So, yeah. busy month.
Ah well, i should probably go - need to get ready for the village show.
Until my next scribble,