Friday 28 December 2012


My little sister is ill. Again. And they've seen a specialist but it hasn't helped, and they are going to book an emergency appointment for her at the Doctors. 
And I'm not there.
I'm her big sister and I am over 150 miles away.
I'm not there to hold her hand when she gets scared and that damn well kills me.
I should be there.

Thursday 27 December 2012

In Paris with You

I thought I'd share my English teacher's favourite poem with you...

In Paris With You

Don't talk to me of love. I've had an earful
And I get tearful when I've downed a drink or two.
I'm one of your talking wounded.
I'm a hostage. I'm maroonded.
But I'm in Paris with you.

Yes I'm angry at the way I've been bamboozled
And resentful at the mess I've been through.
I admit I'm on the rebound
And I don't care where are we bound.
I'm in Paris with you.

Do you mind if we do not go to the Louvre
If we say sod off to sodding Notre Dame,
If we skip the Champs Elysées
And remain here in this sleazy

Old hotel room
Doing this and that
To what and whom
Learning who you are,
Learning what I am.

Don't talk to me of love. Let's talk of Paris,
The little bit of Paris in our view.
There's that crack across the ceiling
And the hotel walls are peeling
And I'm in Paris with you.

Don't talk to me of love. Let's talk of Paris.
I'm in Paris with the slightest thing you do.
I'm in Paris with your eyes, your mouth,
I'm in Paris with... all points south.
Am I embarrassing you?
I'm in Paris with you.

James Fenton

Sunday 16 December 2012

Happy :)

I'm feeling incredibly happy right now :)
I had another wonderful Saturday with my gentleman friend, and I also managed to spend time with my young friends and my 'baby brother'.
Everything is going pretty well, and I can barely remember the last time I was this happy.
All is good for a change :)